

The proving indicates cerebral depression. “Fag” encapsulates much of Zinc’s effects. Tissues deteriorate more quickly than they regenerate. Symptoms may arise from suppressed eruptions or discharges. Nervous symptoms are crucial, reflecting low vitality and potential brain paralysis. Notable depression in illness, spinal issues, twitching, and pain that feels like it’s between the skin and flesh. Relief often follows discharges. Chorea may occur from fright or suppressed eruptions, alongside convulsions marked by pallor and coldness. Severe anemia leads to extreme fatigue and reduces red blood cells. Recurrent eruptive diseases can manifest. In chronic conditions with brain and spinal symptoms, trembling, twitching, and restless feet are key indicators.

Mind: Poor memory, heightened sensitivity to noise, and aversion to work and conversation. Children may mimic everything said to them. Fear of arrest for imagined crimes. Experiences melancholia, lethargy, and stupidity, possibly leading to paresis.

Head: Feels as though falling to the left; headaches triggered by small amounts of wine. Hydrocephalus with side-to-side head movement. Bores head into the pillow (meningitis). Occipital pain with a heavy feeling at the top. Automatic head and hand movements. Brain fatigue with headaches in overstressed children. Cool forehead with heat at the brain’s base. Roaring in the head, startled by fright.

Eyes: Pterygium; sensations of smarting, tearing, and itching. Pressure as if pressed inside the head. Itchy and sore eyelids and inner corners (blepharitis). Drooping eyelids. Rolling eyes (strabismus). Half-vision blurring (hemiopia), worsening with stimulants. Squinting and amaurosis accompanied by severe headaches. Red, inflamed conjunctiva, particularly at the inner canthus (conjunctivitis).

Ears: Sharp, stitching pain (otalgia) with external swelling. Discharge of foul pus (otorrhea).

Nose: Soreness high up with pressure at the root.

Face: Pale lips with cracked corners of the mouth. Red, itchy eruptions on the chin. Tearing pain in facial bones.

Mouth: Loose teeth, bleeding gums (scorbutic). Teeth grinding and a bloody taste. Tongue blisters (aphthae). Difficult teething in weak children with cold, restless feet.

Throat: Dryness; a constant urge to clear thick mucus. Rawness in the throat and larynx; painful throat muscles when swallowing.

Stomach: Hiccups, nausea, and vomiting of bitter mucus. Burning sensations and heartburn from sweet foods. Cannot tolerate even small amounts of wine. Intense hunger around 11 a.m. (Sulph.). An excessive desire to eat, with an inability to eat quickly enough. Atonic dyspepsia, feeling as if the stomach has collapsed.

Abdomen: Discomfort after a light meal with bloating. Pain located below the navel. Gurgling and cramping; feeling swollen. Flatulent colic with retraction of the abdomen. Enlarged, hard liver. Reflex symptoms due to a floating kidney. Cramping after eating.

Rectum: Hard, small, constipated stool. Cholera infantum with straining; green mucoid stools. Abrupt stop of diarrhea followed by mental symptoms.

Urinary: Can only urinate when sitting bent backward. Hysterical retention. Involuntary urination while walking, coughing, or sneezing.

Male: Swollen testicles (orchitis), retracted. Strong erections. Emissions with anxiety. Loss of pubic hair. Testicles drawn up to the spermatic cord.

Female: Ovarian pain, especially on the left side; can’t remain still. Increased sexual desire in postpartum women. Late or suppressed menstrual flow; suppressed lochia. Painful breasts and sore nipples. Menstrual flow is heavier at night. All complaints improve during menstruation. Symptoms linked with restlessness, depression, coldness, tenderness in the spine, and restless feet. Dry cough before and during menstruation.

Respiratory: Burning pressure beneath the sternum. Tightness and sharp pain in the chest. Hoarseness. Debilitating, spasmodic cough worsened by sweets. Child grasps genitals while coughing. Asthmatic bronchitis with chest constriction. Breathing difficulties improve with expectoration.

Back: Pain in the lower back. Sensitivity to touch on the back. Tension and stinging between the shoulder blades. Spinal irritation. Dull ache near the last dorsal or first lumbar vertebrae, worsened by sitting. Burning sensation along the spine. Tiredness in the neck from writing or exertion. Pain in the shoulder blades.

Extremities: Weakness, trembling, and twitching in various muscles. Chilblains. Feet in constant motion; can’t stay still. Prominent varicose veins in the legs. Sweating. Convulsions with a pale face. Pain radiating in the upper limbs. Sensitive soles. Steps made with the entire foot on the ground.

Sleep: Cries out during sleep; body jerks and wakes frightened. Nervous foot movements while asleep. Loud screaming at night without awareness. Sleepwalking.

Fever: Frequent chills running down the back. Cold extremities. Night sweats. Heavy sweating of the feet.

Skin: Varicose veins in the lower limbs (Puls.). Sensation of insects crawling on the skin of the feet and legs, causing sleep disturbances. Eczema, particularly in those who are anemic and neurotic. Itching in the thighs and behind the knees. Receding rashes.

Modalities: Symptoms worsen during menstruation, from touch, between 5 and 7 p.m., after meals, and from wine. Improvement occurs while eating, with the discharge and appearance of rashes.

Relationship: Compare with Agar., Ign., Plb., Arg-met., Puls., Hell., Tub. Antagonistic to Nux-v., Cham. For alleviation through secretions: Lach., Stann., Mosch.

Further Comparisons: Zincum aceticum (effects from lack of sleep and erysipelas; sore brain; Rademacher’s solution, five drops, three times daily in water, for those working with little sleep); Zincum bromatum (dentition, chorea, hydrocephalus); Zincum oxydatum (nausea, sour taste, sudden vomiting in children, bile vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, watery stools with tenesmus, post-influenza debility, flushed face, excessive drowsiness, unrefreshing sleep, similar effects from lack of sleep, mental and physical strain—Rademacher); Zincum sulphuricum (high potency can clear corneal opacities—McFarland. Conditions like corneitis, granular lids, tongue paralysis, arm and leg cramps, tremors, convulsions, hypochondriasis from masturbation, and nervous headaches); Zincum cyanatum (used for meningitis and related conditions); Zincum arsenicosum (chorea, anemia, extreme fatigue from minimal exertion, depression, and lower extremity issues); Zincum carbonicum (post-gonorrheal throat issues, swollen bluish tonsils); Zincum phosphoricum (herpes zoster 1x); Zincum muriaticum (urge to pick bedding, altered smell and taste, bluish-green skin, cold sweat); Zincum phosphoricum (neuralgia in the head and face, lightning-like pains in locomotor ataxia, brain fatigue, nervousness, vertigo, sexual excitement, and insomnia); Ammonium valerianicum (intense neuralgia with severe agitation); Zincum picricum (facial paralysis, brain fatigue, headaches in Bright’s disease, seminal emissions, memory loss, and energy depletion). Zincum oxydatum is applied locally as an astringent and stimulant for unhealthy ulcers, fissures, intertrigo, burns, etc.



Weak memory
Increased sensitivity to noise
Aversion to work and conversation
Mimicking behavior in children
Fear of arrest for imagined crimes
Lethargy and stupidity
Possible paresis

Sensation of falling to the left side
Headaches triggered by small amounts of wine
Side-to-side head movement
Boring head into the pillow (meningitis)
Occipital pain with a heavy sensation on the vertex
Automatic head and hand movements
Brain fatigue and headaches in overstressed children
Cool forehead with heat at the base of the brain
Roaring in the head
Startling easily due to fright

Smarting, tearing, and itching sensations
Pressure inside the head
Itchy and sore eyelids and inner corners (blepharitis)
Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
Rolling eyes (strabismus)
Blurring of half of vision (hemiopia), worsened by stimulants
Amaurosis accompanied by severe headaches
Red, inflamed conjunctiva, especially at the inner canthus (conjunctivitis)

Sharp, stitching pain (otalgia) with external swelling
Discharge of foul pus (otorrhea)

Soreness high up in the nasal cavity
Pressure at the root of the nose

Pale lips with cracked corners of the mouth
Red, itchy eruptions on the chin
Tearing pain in facial bones

Loose teeth
Bleeding gums (scorbutic)
Teeth grinding
Bloody taste in the mouth
Blisters on the tongue (aphthae)
Difficult teething in weak children with cold and restless feet

Dryness and constant urge to clear thick mucus
Rawness in the throat and larynx
Pain in throat muscles during swallowing

Hiccups and nausea
Vomiting of bitter mucus
Burning sensation and heartburn from sweet foods
Intolerance to small amounts of wine
Intense hunger around 11 a.m. (Sulph.)
Excessive desire to eat, unable to eat quickly enough
Atonic dyspepsia, with a sensation of stomach collapse

Discomfort after light meals
Pain below the navel
Gurgling and cramping
Feeling of swelling
Flatulent colic with retraction of the abdomen
Enlarged, hard liver
Reflex symptoms from a floating kidney
Cramping after eating

Hard, small, constipated stool
Cholera infantum with straining
Green mucoid stools
Sudden stop of diarrhea followed by mental symptoms

Urination only when sitting bent backward
Hysterical retention
Involuntary urination while walking, coughing, or sneezing

Swollen testicles (orchitis)
Retraction of testicles
Strong erections
Emissions with anxiety
Loss of pubic hair
Testicles drawn up to the spermatic cord

Ovarian pain, especially on the left side
Increased sexual desire in postpartum women
Late or suppressed menstrual flow
Suppressed lochia
Painful breasts and sore nipples
Heavier menstrual flow at night
Improvement of symptoms during menstruation
Associated symptoms: restlessness, depression, coldness, spinal tenderness, restless feet
Dry cough before and during menstruation

Burning pressure beneath the sternum
Tightness and sharp pain in the chest
Debilitating, spasmodic cough worsened by sweets
Child grasps genitals while coughing
Asthmatic bronchitis with chest constriction
Breathing difficulties improve with expectoration

Pain in the lower back
Sensitivity to touch on the back
Tension and stinging between shoulder blades
Spinal irritation
Dull ache near last dorsal or first lumbar vertebrae, worsened by sitting
Burning sensation along the spine
Tiredness in the neck from writing or exertion
Pain in the shoulder blades

Weakness, trembling, and twitching in various muscles
Feet in constant motion; can’t stay still
Prominent varicose veins in the legs
Convulsions with a pale face
Pain radiating in the upper limbs
Sensitive soles
Steps made with the entire foot on the ground

Cries out during sleep
Body jerks; wakes frightened
Nervous foot movements while asleep
Loud screaming at night without awareness

Frequent chills running down the back
Cold extremities
Night sweats
Heavy sweating of the feet

Varicose veins in lower limbs
Sensation of bugs crawling on the skin of the feet and legs
Sleep disturbances due to skin sensations
Eczema (especially in anemic and neurotic individuals)
Itching in the thighs and hollows of the knees
Receding rashes

During menstruation
From touch
Between 5 and 7 p.m.
After meals
From wine

selection of the potency

  1. Individualization:

    • Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating the individual, not just the disease. The unique symptoms and characteristics of the person are crucial in determining the most suitable potency.
  2. Intensity of Symptoms:

    • The intensity of the symptoms guides the choice of potency. If the symptoms are intense and acute, a lower potency (e.g., 6C, 30C) might be considered. For chronic conditions with less intensity, higher potencies (e.g., 200C, 1M) may be appropriate.
  3. Sensitivity of the Patient:

    • Some individuals are more sensitive to homeopathic remedies, while others may require higher potencies. The practitioner considers the patient’s sensitivity when selecting the potency.
  4. Acute vs. Chronic Conditions:

    • Lower potencies are often used for acute conditions, while higher potencies may be considered for chronic or long-standing issues.
  5. Previous Response to Potencies:

    • The patient’s response to previous homeopathic treatments helps guide the choice of potency. If a particular potency has been effective in the past, it may be repeated or adjusted as needed.
  6. Vital Force and Susceptibility:

    • Homeopathy views illness as a disturbance in the vital force. The practitioner assesses the patient’s overall vitality and susceptibility to determine the appropriate potency.
  7. Aggravation or Amelioration:

    • The direction of the symptom response (aggravation or amelioration) after taking a remedy can influence the choice of potency.
  8. Miasmatic Considerations:

    • In classical homeopathy, the concept of miasms (inherited disease tendencies) is considered. The practitioner take this into account when selecting the potency.
  9. Practitioner Experience:

    • The experience and preference of the homeopathic practitioner play a role. Some practitioners may have success with certain potencies based on their clinical experience.


  • Do not exceed the recommended dose by physician
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homoeopathic medicine
  • Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing

Medicine images use for reference only selection of homeopathic medicine depends on the individual’s specific symptoms and overall constitution. Moreover, homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the individual as a whole. In addition to addressing the physical symptoms, it takes into account the emotional and mental state of the person. Consequently, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized treatment.
The information provided on this website is intended solely for educational purposes.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.

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