(Bismuthum Metallicum)

also known as Precipitated Sub-nitrate of Bismuth or Bism., primarily addresses irritation and inflammation in the digestive system.

Mind: Craves company due to unbearable solitude. Expresses discontent and anguish about their condition.

Head: Experiences alternating headaches and gastralgia. Neuralgic pain feels like being pinched, extending to the face and teeth; worsens with eating but improves with cold. Pressure or cutting pains above the right eye, extending to the back of the head. Occipital pressure worsens with motion and feels heavy.

Mouth: Swollen gums and toothache. Tongue appears white, swollen, or with black, gangrenous-looking patches. Experiences profuse salivation and loose teeth, with a metallic taste and thirst for cold drinks.

Stomach: Vomiting with convulsive gagging and pain. Water is immediately rejected. Burning sensation and feeling of heaviness or a load in the stomach. Slow digestion with fetid eructations. Gastric pain extends to the spine. Cold drinks relieve, but stomach becomes full, triggering vomiting.

Stool: Diarrhea without pain, accompanied by thirst, frequent urination, and vomiting (resembling cholera). Lower abdominal pinching with rumbling.

Chest: Feels pinching in the diaphragm, extending horizontally across the chest. Angina pectoris with pain around the heart, radiating to the left arm and fingers.

Extremities: Experiences cramps in hands and feet. Paralytic weakness, especially in the right arm. Tearing pain in the wrist and fingertips. Itching erosions near the tibia and on the feet near the joints. Limbs feel cold.

Sleep: Restless due to sensual dreams. Feels sleepy in the morning, a few hours after eating.

Relationship: Can be antidoted by Nux-v., Caps., or Calc. Compare with Ant., Ars., Bell., and Kreos.

Dose: Recommended in the first to sixth potency.BISMUTHUM


Mind: Craves companionship, distressed by solitude. Expresses discontentment and anguish.

Head: Alternating headaches and stomach pain. Neuralgic pains like being pinched, extending to face and teeth, worsened by eating, relieved by cold. Pressure above right eye to occiput. Occipital pressure worsened by movement, accompanied by heaviness.

Mouth: Swollen gums, toothache relieved by cold water. White-coated tongue, metallic taste, profuse salivation, loose teeth. Desire for cold drinks.

Stomach: Convulsive vomiting with pain. Inability to retain fluids. Burning sensation, feeling of a load, slow digestion with fetid eructations. Pain extending from stomach to spine. Pain relieved by cold drinks but worsened when stomach is full.

Stool: Painless diarrhea with thirst, frequent urination, and vomiting. Lower abdominal pinching with rumbling.

Chest: Pinching sensation across diaphragm, extending through chest. Angina pectoris with pain radiating to left arm and fingers.

Extremities: Hand and foot cramps, wrist tearing, right arm weakness. Fingertip tearing, itching erosions near tibia and foot dorsum joints. Cold limbs.

Sleep: Restless due to vivid dreams, morning sleepiness after eating.

Relationship: Acts as antidote to Nux-v., Caps., Calc. Comparable to Ant., Ars., Bell., Kreos.

Dose: First to sixth potency recommended.

selection of the potency

  1. Individualization:

    • Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating the individual, not just the disease. The unique symptoms and characteristics of the person are crucial in determining the most suitable potency.
  2. Intensity of Symptoms:

    • The intensity of the symptoms guides the choice of potency. If the symptoms are intense and acute, a lower potency (e.g., 6C, 30C) might be considered. For chronic conditions with less intensity, higher potencies (e.g., 200C, 1M) may be appropriate.
  3. Sensitivity of the Patient:

    • Some individuals are more sensitive to homeopathic remedies, while others may require higher potencies. The practitioner considers the patient’s sensitivity when selecting the potency.
  4. Acute vs. Chronic Conditions:

    • Lower potencies are often used for acute conditions, while higher potencies may be considered for chronic or long-standing issues.
  5. Previous Response to Potencies:

    • The patient’s response to previous homeopathic treatments helps guide the choice of potency. If a particular potency has been effective in the past, it may be repeated or adjusted as needed.
  6. Vital Force and Susceptibility:

    • Homeopathy views illness as a disturbance in the vital force. The practitioner assesses the patient’s overall vitality and susceptibility to determine the appropriate potency.
  7. Aggravation or Amelioration:

    • The direction of the symptom response (aggravation or amelioration) after taking a remedy can influence the choice of potency.
  8. Miasmatic Considerations:

    • In classical homeopathy, the concept of miasms (inherited disease tendencies) is considered. The practitioner take this into account when selecting the potency.
  9. Practitioner Experience:

    • The experience and preference of the homeopathic practitioner play a role. Some practitioners may have success with certain potencies based on their clinical experience.


  • Do not exceed the recommended dose by physician
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homoeopathic medicine
  • Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing

Medicine images use for reference only selection of homeopathic medicine depends on the individual’s specific symptoms and overall constitution. Moreover, homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the individual as a whole. In addition to addressing the physical symptoms, it takes into account the emotional and mental state of the person. Consequently, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized treatment.
The information provided on this website is intended solely for educational purposes.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.

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