Aethusa CynapiumAETHUSA CYNAPIUM (Fool’s Parsley)


This remedy primarily addresses symptoms related to the brain and nervous system, often linked with gastrointestinal disturbances. It is most commonly indicated in children’s ailments during dentition and summer complaints, marked by diarrhea, an aversion to digesting milk, and poor circulation. Symptoms manifest with intensity.


Mind: Restlessness, anxiety, and crying. Expression of uneasiness and discontentment. Commonly used in diseases of children, especially during dentition and summer complaints. Sees imaginary animals like rats, cats, dogs. Unconsciousness and delirium. Inability to think or focus attention. Brain fatigue. Alternation between idiocy, furor, and irritability.

Head: Sensation of being bound up or in a vise. Occipital pain extending down the spine; relieved by lying down and pressure. Head symptoms alleviated by expelling flatus and stool. Hair feels pulled. Vertigo with drowsiness and palpitation. Head becomes hot after vertigo subsides.

Eyes: Photophobia. Swelling of Meibomian glands. Rolling of eyes when falling asleep. Eyes drawn downward; dilated pupils (epilepsy). Squinting downward.

Ears: Feeling obstructed. Sensation of something hot escaping from the ears. Hissing sound.

Nose: Stopped up with thick mucus. Herpetic eruption on the tip of the nose. Frequent ineffectual desire to sneeze.

Face: Puffed, red spotted, collapsed. An anxious and pained expression. Marked linea nasalis.

Mouth: Dry mouth. Aphthae. Tongue appears too long. Burning and pustules in the throat with dysphagia.

Stomach: Intolerance of milk; immediate vomiting or in large curds. Hunger after vomiting. Regurgitation of food about an hour after eating. Violent vomiting of white frothy matter. Nausea at the sight of food. Painful stomach contractions. Vomiting with sweat, great prostration, anxiety, and distress, followed by sleepiness. Stomach feels inverted, accompanied by heartburn. Tearing pains in the stomach extending to the esophagus.

Abdomen: Internally and externally cold, with aching pain in the bowels. Colic followed by vomiting, vertigo, and weakness. Tense, inflated, and sensitive abdomen. Bubbling sensation around the navel.

Stool: Undigested, thin, greenish; preceded by colic, tenesmus, and followed by exhaustion and drowsiness. Cholera infantum; cold, clammy, stupid child with staring eyes and dilated pupils. Obstinate constipation; feels as if bowel action is lost. Choleraic affections in old age.

Urinary: Cutting pain in the bladder with frequent urging. Kidney pain.

Female: Lancinating pains in sexual organs. Pimples; itching when warm. Watery menses. Swelling of mammary glands (mastitis) with lancinating pains.

Respiratory: Difficult, oppressed, anxious respiration; crampy constriction. Suffering renders the patient speechless.

Heart: Violent palpitations with vertigo, headache, and restlessness. Rapid, hard, and small pulse.

Back and Extremities: Lack of power to stand or hold the head up. Back feels vise-like. Aching in the lumbosacral region. Weakness in lower extremities. Fingers and thumbs clenched (epilepsy). Numbness of hands and feet. Violent spasms (convulsions).

Sleep: Disturbed by violent startings; cold perspiration. Dozing after vomiting or stool. Child is so exhausted, it falls asleep at once.

Fever: Intense heat with no thirst. Profuse cold sweat. Must be covered during sweat.

Skin: Thighs get excoriated while walking. Easy perspiration. Cold surface covered with clammy sweat. Swollen lymphatic glands. Itching eruptions around joints. Dry and shrunken skin of hands. Ecchymosis. Anasarca.

Modalities: Worse between 3 to 4 a.m. and in the evenings, in warmth and during summers. Better in open air and in the company.

Relationships: Compare with Athamantha oreoselinum (confused head, vertigo better lying down, bitter taste and saliva. Hands and feet icy cold); Ant., Calc., Ars., Cic. Complementary: Calc.Aethusa Cynapium


Aethusa CynapiumGeneral Characteristics:

  • Primarily addresses symptoms related to the brain and nervous system.
  • Commonly used in children’s ailments during dentition and summer complaints.
  • Symptoms manifest with intensity.


  • Restlessness, anxiety, and crying.
  • Expression of uneasiness and discontentment.
  • Commonly used in diseases of children, especially during dentition and summer complaints.
  • Imaginary visions of rats, cats, dogs.
  • Unconsciousness and delirium.
  • Inability to think or focus attention.
  • Brain fatigue.
  • Alternation between idiocy, furor, and irritability.


  • Sensation of being bound up or in a vise.
  • Occipital pain extending down the spine; relieved by lying down and pressure.
  • Head symptoms alleviated by expelling flatus and stool.
  • Hair feels pulled.
  • Vertigo with drowsiness and palpitation.
  • Head becomes hot after vertigo subsides.


  • Photophobia.
  • Swelling of Meibomian glands.
  • Rolling of eyes when falling asleep.
  • Eyes drawn downward; dilated pupils (epilepsy).
  • Squinting downward.


  • Feeling obstructed.
  • Sensation of something hot escaping from the ears.
  • Hissing sound.


  • Stopped up with thick mucus.
  • Herpetic eruption on the tip of the nose.
  • Frequent ineffectual desire to sneeze.


  • Puffed, red spotted, collapsed.
  • An anxious and pained expression.
  • Marked linea nasalis.


  • Dry mouth.
  • Aphthae.
  • Tongue appears too long.
  • Burning and pustules in the throat with dysphagia.


  • Intolerance of milk; immediate vomiting or in large curds.
  • Hunger after vomiting.
  • Regurgitation of food about an hour after eating.
  • Violent vomiting of white frothy matter.
  • Nausea at the sight of food.
  • Painful stomach contractions.
  • Vomiting with sweat, great prostration, anxiety, and distress, followed by sleepiness.
  • Stomach feels inverted, accompanied by heartburn.
  • Tearing pains in the stomach extending to the esophagus.


  • Internally and externally cold, with aching pain in the bowels.
  • Colic followed by vomiting, vertigo, and weakness.
  • Tense, inflated, and sensitive abdomen.
  • Bubbling sensation around the navel.


  • Undigested, thin, greenish; preceded by colic, tenesmus, and followed by exhaustion and drowsiness.
  • Cholera infantum; cold, clammy, stupid child with staring eyes and dilated pupils.
  • Obstinate constipation; feels as if bowel action is lost.
  • Choleraic affections in old age.


  • Cutting pain in the bladder with frequent urging.
  • Kidney pain.


  • Lancinating pains in sexual organs.
  • Pimples; itching when warm.
  • Watery menses.
  • Swelling of mammary glands (mastitis) with lancinating pains.


  • Difficult, oppressed, anxious respiration; crampy constriction.
  • Suffering renders the patient speechless.


  • Violent palpitations with vertigo, headache, and restlessness.
  • Rapid, hard, and small pulse.

Back and Extremities:

  • Lack of power to stand or hold the head up.
  • Back feels vise-like.
  • Aching in the lumbosacral region.
  • Weakness in lower extremities.
  • Fingers and thumbs clenched (epilepsy).
  • Numbness of hands and feet.
  • Violent spasms (convulsions).


  • Disturbed by violent startings; cold perspiration.
  • Dozing after vomiting or stool.
  • Child is so exhausted, it falls asleep at once.


  • Intense heat with no thirst.
  • Profuse cold sweat.
  • Must be covered during sweat.


  • Thighs get excoriated while walking.
  • Easy perspiration.
  • Cold surface covered with clammy sweat.
  • Swollen lymphatic glands.
  • Itching eruptions around joints.
  • Dry and shrunken skin of hands.
  • Ecchymosis.
  • Anasarca.


  • Worse between 3 to 4 a.m. and in the evenings, in warmth, and during summers.
  • Better in open air and in the company.

selection of the potency

  1. Individualization:

    • Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating the individual, not just the disease. The unique symptoms and characteristics of the person are crucial in determining the most suitable potency.
  2. Intensity of Symptoms:

    • The intensity of the symptoms guides the choice of potency. If the symptoms are intense and acute, a lower potency (e.g., 6C, 30C) might be considered. For chronic conditions with less intensity, higher potencies (e.g., 200C, 1M) may be appropriate.
  3. Sensitivity of the Patient:

    • Some individuals are more sensitive to homeopathic remedies, while others may require higher potencies. The practitioner considers the patient’s sensitivity when selecting the potency.
  4. Acute vs. Chronic Conditions:

    • Lower potencies are often used for acute conditions, while higher potencies may be considered for chronic or long-standing issues.
  5. Previous Response to Potencies:

    • The patient’s response to previous homeopathic treatments helps guide the choice of potency. If a particular potency has been effective in the past, it may be repeated or adjusted as needed.
  6. Vital Force and Susceptibility:

    • Homeopathy views illness as a disturbance in the vital force. The practitioner assesses the patient’s overall vitality and susceptibility to determine the appropriate potency.
  7. Aggravation or Amelioration:

    • The direction of the symptom response (aggravation or amelioration) after taking a remedy can influence the choice of potency.
  8. Miasmatic Considerations:

    • In classical homeopathy, the concept of miasms (inherited disease tendencies) is considered. The practitioner take this into account when selecting the potency.
  9. Practitioner Experience:

    • The experience and preference of the homeopathic practitioner play a role. Some practitioners may have success with certain potencies based on their clinical experience.


  • Do not exceed the recommended dose by physician
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homoeopathic medicine
  • Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing

Medicine images use for reference only selection of homeopathic medicine depends on the individual’s specific symptoms and overall constitution. Moreover, homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the individual as a whole. In addition to addressing the physical symptoms, it takes into account the emotional and mental state of the person. Consequently, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized treatment.
The information provided on this website is intended solely for educational purposes.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.

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