
एबिस कैनाडेंसिस


ABIES CANADESIS Q, 6C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M Abies Canadensis, also known as Hemlock Spruce, primarily affects mucous membranes and has notable gastric symptoms. It induces a catarrhal condition in the stomach, leading to specific cravings, especially in women with uterine displacements. The remedy is linked to chilly sensations, particularly in those with nutritional


Homeopathic Medicine For Delusions

Homeopathic Medicine For Delusions

Homeopathic Medicine For Delusions Delusions are false beliefs that are strongly held despite evidence to the contrary. In the context of mental health, delusions are often associated with psychiatric disorders and can significantly impact a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Here are some common types of delusions, each associated with various psychiatric conditions: Paranoid Delusions:

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Homeopathic Medicine for Dengue Fever

Homeopathic Medicine for Dengue Fever

Homeopathic Medicine for Dengue Fever Dengue is a viral infection that is transmitted to humans primarily through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes, particularly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. It is a significant public health concern in many parts of the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Symptoms Dengue infection can range from mild

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