Every organ and tissue of the body is affected by this powerful drug, transforming healthy cells into inflamed and necrotic ones, decomposing the blood and causing profound anemia. Homoeopathically, it becomes a life-saving service when guided by clear symptoms. The lymphatic system, membranes, glands, internal organs, and bones are especially affected. Mercury lesions resemble those of syphilis, often indicated in its secondary stage, with febrile chloro-anemia, rheumatoid pains, ulceration of the mouth and throat, and hair loss. Merc. is homoeopathic to these conditions and stages, with 2x trituration doing surprising work. Hereditary syphilitic manifestations are also within its range, causing tremors, weakness, abscesses, snuffles, marasmus, and stomatitis. Symptoms worsen at night, from bed warmth, damp, cold, rainy weather, and during perspiration, all associated with weariness, prostration, and trembling. Patients are sensitive to heat and cold, with swollen parts feeling raw and sore, and profuse oily perspiration not relieving symptoms. Breath, excretions, and body smell foul, with a tendency for thin, greenish, putrid pus streaked with thin blood.
Mind: Slow in answering questions, weakened memory, and loss of willpower. Weary of life and mistrustful, thinking he is losing his reason.
Head: Vertigo when lying on the back, band sensation around the head, one-sided tearing pains (migraine), and tension around the scalp, as if bandaged. Catarrhal headaches with much heat in the head (meningitis), stinging, burning, fetid eruptions on the scalp, and hair loss. Exostosis with a feeling of soreness and tense scalp; oily sweat on the head.
Eyes: Lids red, thick, and swollen (blepharitis), profuse burning acrid discharge (purulent conjunctivitis), floating black spots, and parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic origin with burning pain. Iritis with hypopyon.
Ears: Thick, yellow discharge, fetid and bloody (otorrhea), otalgia worse in bed warmth and at night, sticking pains, and boils in the external canal (Calc-pic.).
Nose: Marked sneezing, especially in sunshine, raw, ulcerated nostrils, swollen nasal bones, yellow-green fetid pus-like discharge (ozena), acrid discharge but too thick to run down the lip, pain, and swelling of the nasal bones, and caries with greenish fetid ulceration. Epistaxis at night, copious discharge of corroding mucus, and coryza with sneezing and sore, raw, smarting sensation, worse in damp weather and profuse, fluent.
Face: Pale, earthy, dirty-looking, and puffy, aching in facial bones, and syphilitic pustules on the face.
Mouth: Sweetish metallic taste, greatly increased bloody and viscid salivary secretions, fetid coppery saliva, and difficult speech due to pain from touch and chewing. The mouth is moist, teeth decay, tongue trembles, gums spongy, recede, and bleed easily (scorbutic, scurvy), sore loose teeth feel tender and elongated, furrow on the upper tongue surface lengthwise, heavy thick tongue with a moist coating, yellow and flabby, teeth indented, and feels burnt with ulcers (apthae). Fetid mouth odor (halitosis) detectable all over the room. Alveolar abscess worse at night. Great thirst with a moist mouth.
Throat: Bluish-red swelling, constant desire to swallow, putrid sore throat worse on the right side, ulcers, and inflammation appearing with weather changes. Stitches extending to the ear on swallowing, fluids return through the nose, quinsy with dysphagia after pus forms, sore raw smarting burning throat, complete aphonia, and burning in the throat as if from ascending hot vapor.
Stomach: Putrid eructations, intense thirst for cold drinks, weak digestion with continuous hunger, sensitive stomach to touch, hiccough and regurgitation, and feeling replete and constricted.
Abdomen: Stabbing pain with chilliness, boring pain in the right groin, flatulent distention with pain, enlarged liver (hepatomegaly), sore to touch and indurated, jaundice (obstructive), and deficient bile secretion.
Rectum: Greenish bloody and slimy discharge worse at night with pain and tenesmus, never-get-done feeling, discharge with chilliness, sick stomach, cutting colic, and tenesmus. Whitish-gray stools.
Urinary: Frequent urging, greenish discharge from the urethra, burning in the urethra when beginning to micturate, and dark scanty bloody albuminous urine.
Male: Vesicles and ulcers, soft chancre, cold genitals, irritated prepuce, and nocturnal emissions stained with blood.
Female: Profuse menses with abdominal pain (dysmenorrhea), excoriating greenish bloody leucorrhea with a raw sensation in parts, stinging ovarian pain (Apis), itching, and burning worse after micturating and better with cold water washing. Morning sickness with profuse salivation, painful and full of milk during menses.
Respiratory: Soreness from fauces to sternum, inability to lie on the right side (left side, Lyc.), cough with yellow mucopurulent expectoration, paroxysms worse at night and from bed warmth, catarrh with chilliness and dread of air, stitches from the lower right lung lobe to the back, whooping cough with epistaxis (Arn.), and cough worse with tobacco smoke.
Back: Bruised pain in the lumbosacral region, especially when sitting, tearing pain in the coccyx better with abdominal pressure.
Extremities: Limb weakness, bone pains, and limb pain worse at night. Patients are very sensitive to cold, with oily perspiration and trembling extremities, especially hands, and paralysis agitans. Lacerating joint pain, cold clammy sweat on legs at night, and dropsical swelling of feet and legs.
Fever: Generally gastric or bilious with profuse nocturnal perspiration, debility, slow lingering heat and shuddering alternately, yellow perspiration, profuse perspiration without relief, creeping chilliness worse in the evening and into the night, alternate flashes of heat in single parts.
Skin: Almost constantly moist, persistent dryness contraindicates Merc., excessive odorous viscid perspiration worse at night, general tendency to free perspiration without relief, vesicular and pustular eruptions, irregular ulcers with undefined edges, pimples around the main eruption, itching worse from bed warmth, crusta lactea with yellowish-brown crusts and considerable suppuration, swollen glands with every cold, buboes, orchitis (Clem., Ham., Puls.).
Modalities: Worse at night, wet damp weather, lying on the right side, perspiring, warm room, and warm bed.
Relationship: Compare: Capparis coriaccea (polyuria, glandular affections, mucus diarrhea, influenza), Epilobium palustre-Willow herb (chronic diarrhea with tenesmus and mucus discharges, ptyalism, dysphagia, body wasting and marked debility, cholera infantum), Kali-i. (hard chancre), Mercurius aceticus (congestion with stiffness, dryness, and heat of affected parts, inflamed burning itching eyes, lack of moisture, dry throat making talking difficult, pressure in lower sternum part, urethra chancre, Tinea capitis favosa with painful ulcer margins), Mercurius auratus (psoriasis and syphilitic catarrh, brain tumors, lues of nose and bones, ozena, swollen testicles), Mercurius bromatus (secondary syphilitic skin affection), Mercurius nitrosus-Nitrate of mercury (pustular conjunctivitis and keratitis, gonorrhea, mucous patches with sticking pains, syphilides), Mercurius phosphoricus (nervous diseases from syphilis, exostoses), Mercurius precipitatus ruber (suffocative night attacks on lying down before falling asleep, obliged to jump up suddenly which relieves, gonorrhea, urethra feeling like a hard string, chancroid, phagedenic ulcer and bubo, pemphigus, mucus patches, eczema with rhagades and fissures, barber’s itch, blepharitis internally and externally, leaden occiput heaviness with otorrhea), Mercurius tannicus (syphilides in patients with gastrointestinal diseases, very sensitive to ordinary mercurial preparations), Erythrinus South American Red Mullet fish (pityriasis rubra and syphilis, red chest rash, pityriasis), Lolium temulentum (trembling of hands and legs), Mercurius cum kali (inveterate colds, acute facial paralysis). Heuchera americana-Alum root (gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting of bile and frothy mucus, watery profuse slimy stools with tenesmus, never-get-done feeling. Dose: 2 to 10 drops of tincture).
Compare: Mez., Phos., Syph., Kali-m., Aeth-a.
Antidote: Hep., Aur., Mez.
Complementary: Bad.
Dose: Second to thirtieth potency.
Slow in answering questions.
Weakened memory and loss of willpower.
Weary of life and mistrustful.
Thinks he is losing his reason.
Vertigo when lying on the back.
Band sensation around the head.
One-sided tearing pains (migraine).
Tension around the scalp as if bandaged.
Catarrhal headaches with much heat in the head (meningitis).
Stinging, burning, fetid eruptions on the scalp.
Hair loss.
Exostosis with a feeling of soreness.
Tense scalp; oily sweat on the head.
Red, thick, swollen lids (blepharitis).
Profuse burning acrid discharge (purulent conjunctivitis).
Floating black spots.
Parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic origin with burning pain.
Iritis with hypopyon.
Thick, yellow discharge; fetid and bloody (otorrhea).
Otalgia worse in bed warmth and at night.
Sticking pains.
Boils in the external canal.
Marked sneezing, especially in sunshine.
Raw, ulcerated nostrils.
Swollen nasal bones.
Yellow-green, fetid, pus-like discharge (ozena).
Acrid discharge but too thick to run down the lip.
Pain and swelling of the nasal bones; caries with greenish, fetid ulceration.
Epistaxis at night.
Copious discharge of corroding mucus.
Coryza with sneezing and sore, raw, smarting sensation, worse in damp weather and profuse, fluent.
Pale, earthy, dirty-looking, and puffy.
Aching in facial bones.
Syphilitic pustules on the face.
Sweetish metallic taste.
Greatly increased bloody and viscid salivary secretions.
Fetid coppery saliva.
Difficult speech due to pain from touch and chewing.
Moist mouth.
Teeth decay.
Trembling tongue.
Spongy gums that recede and bleed easily (scorbutic, scurvy).
Sore, loose teeth feel tender and elongated.
Furrow on the upper tongue surface lengthwise.
Heavy, thick tongue with a moist coating, yellow and flabby, teeth indented, feels burnt with ulcers (apthae).
Fetid mouth odor (halitosis).
Alveolar abscess worse at night.
Great thirst with a moist mouth.
Bluish-red swelling.
Constant desire to swallow.
Putrid sore throat worse on the right side.
Ulcers and inflammation appearing with weather changes.
Stitches extending to the ear on swallowing.
Fluids return through the nose.
Quinsy with dysphagia after pus forms.
Sore, raw, smarting, burning throat.
Complete aphonia.
Burning in the throat as if from ascending hot vapor.
Putrid eructations.
Intense thirst for cold drinks.
Weak digestion with continuous hunger.
Sensitive stomach to touch.
Hiccough and regurgitation.
Feeling replete and constricted.
Stabbing pain with chilliness.
Boring pain in the right groin.
Flatulent distention with pain.
Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly); sore to touch and indurated.
Jaundice (obstructive).
Deficient bile secretion.
Greenish, bloody, and slimy discharge worse at night with pain and tenesmus.
Never-get-done feeling.
Discharge with chilliness, sick stomach, cutting colic, and tenesmus.
Whitish-gray stools.
Frequent urging.
Greenish discharge from the urethra.
Burning in the urethra when beginning to micturate.
Dark, scanty, bloody, albuminous urine.
Vesicles and ulcers; soft chancre.
Cold genitals.
Irritated prepuce.
Nocturnal emissions stained with blood.
Profuse menses with abdominal pain (dysmenorrhea).
Excoriating greenish bloody leucorrhea with a raw sensation in parts.
Stinging ovarian pain.
Itching and burning worse after micturating; better with cold water washing.
Morning sickness with profuse salivation.
Painful and full of milk during menses.
Soreness from fauces to sternum.
Inability to lie on the right side.
Cough with yellow mucopurulent expectoration.
Paroxysms worse at night and from bed warmth.
Catarrh with chilliness and dread of air.
Stitches from the lower right lung lobe to the back.
Whooping cough with epistaxis.
Cough worse with tobacco smoke.
Bruised pain in the lumbosacral region, especially when sitting.
Tearing pain in the coccyx better with abdominal pressure.
Limb weakness.
Bone pains.
Limb pain worse at night.
Sensitivity to cold.
Oily perspiration.
Trembling extremities, especially hands.
Lacerating joint pain.
Cold clammy sweat on legs at night.
Dropsical swelling of feet and legs.
Generally gastric or bilious with profuse nocturnal perspiration.
Debility, slow lingering heat and shuddering alternately.
Yellow perspiration.
Profuse perspiration without relief.
Creeping chilliness worse in the evening and into the night.
Alternate flashes of heat in single parts.
Almost constantly moist.
Persistent dryness contraindicates Merc.
Excessive odorous viscid perspiration worse at night.
General tendency to free perspiration without relief.
Vesicular and pustular eruptions.
Irregular ulcers with undefined edges.
Pimples around the main eruption.
Itching worse from bed warmth.
Crusta lactea with yellowish-brown crusts and considerable suppuration.
Swollen glands with every cold.
Worse at night, in wet damp weather, lying on the right side
Perspiring, in a warm room, and in a warm bed.
selection of the potency
- Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating the individual, not just the disease. The unique symptoms and characteristics of the person are crucial in determining the most suitable potency.
Intensity of Symptoms:
- The intensity of the symptoms guides the choice of potency. If the symptoms are intense and acute, a lower potency (e.g., 6C, 30C) might be considered. For chronic conditions with less intensity, higher potencies (e.g., 200C, 1M) may be appropriate.
Sensitivity of the Patient:
- Some individuals are more sensitive to homeopathic remedies, while others may require higher potencies. The practitioner considers the patient’s sensitivity when selecting the potency.
Acute vs. Chronic Conditions:
- Lower potencies are often used for acute conditions, while higher potencies may be considered for chronic or long-standing issues.
Previous Response to Potencies:
- The patient’s response to previous homeopathic treatments helps guide the choice of potency. If a particular potency has been effective in the past, it may be repeated or adjusted as needed.
Vital Force and Susceptibility:
- Homeopathy views illness as a disturbance in the vital force. The practitioner assesses the patient’s overall vitality and susceptibility to determine the appropriate potency.
Aggravation or Amelioration:
- The direction of the symptom response (aggravation or amelioration) after taking a remedy can influence the choice of potency.
Miasmatic Considerations:
- In classical homeopathy, the concept of miasms (inherited disease tendencies) is considered. The practitioner take this into account when selecting the potency.
Practitioner Experience:
- The experience and preference of the homeopathic practitioner play a role. Some practitioners may have success with certain potencies based on their clinical experience.
- Do not exceed the recommended dose by physician
- Keep out of the reach of children
- Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
- Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homoeopathic medicine
- Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing
Medicine images use for reference only selection of homeopathic medicine depends on the individual’s specific symptoms and overall constitution. Moreover, homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the individual as a whole. In addition to addressing the physical symptoms, it takes into account the emotional and mental state of the person. Consequently, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized treatment.
The information provided on this website is intended solely for educational purposes. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.